Human Computer Interraction (Bbit 314) (Bsis 430) 2Nd Trimester 2012 Question Paper
Human Computer Interraction (Bbit 314) (Bsis 430) 2Nd Trimester 2012
Course:Bachelor Of Business Information Technology
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2012
Instructions: Answer Question One and any other Two Questions.
Question One (30 Marks) Compulsory
Define: (5 Marks)
Human computer interaction
Gulf of execution
Gulf of evaluation
Interface metaphor
(b) Discuss FIVE principles of good interface design. (10 Marks)
(c) Explain THREE characteristics of human beings that are relevant to the
study of HCI. (6 Marks)
(d) From the context of HCI, explain why users are different yet similar.
(4 Marks)
(e) User interface independence is the decoupling of user interface design from
the complexities of programming. Describe how software designers can benefit from this notion. (5 Marks)
Question Two (20 Marks)
Describe THREE principles of graphical user interface.
(6 Marks)
Draw a diagram to illustrate O.A.I model name and explain the key concepts in this model.
(9 Marks)
Contrast user’s model, designer’s model, mental, model, system model and conceptual model.
(10 Marks)
Question Three (20 Marks)
Illustrate Norman’s seven stage model of good design.
(6 Marks)
Explain the design implications of the seven stage model.
(8 Marks)
Computational offloading occurs when we use a tool or device in conjunction with an external representation to help ….. carry out a computation and reduce memory load. Describe THREE ways in which computational offloading can be achieved in HCI designs.
(6 Marks)
Question Four: (20 Marks)
Some designers suggest that speech recognition be used in systems, so that users can interact with the system by speaking instead of pressing buttons on the dial pad. Give two arguments for and THREE arguments against this proposal.
(10 Marks)
Usability inspection involves inspection of interface design using heuristics methods, based on analysis and judgment rather than experiment. Describe FIVE such methods.
(10 Marks)
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