Distributed System(Cisy 432) (Bbit 445) Question Paper

Distributed System(Cisy 432) (Bbit 445) 

Course:Computer Science And Business

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012


Answer question one and any other two.
Question One
Define the term "Distributed systems".
One of the goals of distributed systems is to make resources accessible by users. Explain by giving supportive reasons as to why the sharing of the resources is of value to a given organization that is embracing the use of technology.
With the help of a well labeled diagram, write short notes on architecture of the distributed systems.
With a well labeled pictorial presentation, briefly explain about clock synchronization as it applies in distributed systems.

Question Two
During the client-server binding process, it involves proper handling of several issues
Define the client – server binding technology.
Briefly explain the five issues involved when RPC handles client-server binding. (10mks)
A computer clock usually consists of three components name and briefly explain the role of each in clock synchronization.
Define the term "Token Passing"

Question Three
Explain the following as they apply in distributed system:
Event ordering
Mutual exclusion
Electing algorithms
In a situation where multiple concurrent processes normally have to compete to use a resource; there are certain sequences of events required by the process before it’s allowed to used the given resource. Explain. (6mks)
What do you understand by the term "Critical section of a process?"(4mks)

Question Four
Differentiate between
: (4mks)
Immutable files
Briefly explain with relevant examples, five desirable features of a good distributed file system.
The replication of data in a distributed system offers several potential benefits. Enlist and briefly explain six of these benefits as they apply to the end-user.

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