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Management Information Systems(Misc 322) (Cisy 421) (Bbit 438)  Question Paper

Management Information Systems(Misc 322) (Cisy 421) (Bbit 438)  

Course:Computer Science & Business Information

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012


Answer question one and any other two questions.
Question One
Distinguish between ’Data’ and ’information’.
(4 Marks)

Discuss any three qualities of good information.
(6 Marks)

Describe three main activities of an information system.
(6 Marks)

Information systems perform three vital roles in any type of organization. Discuss.
(6 Marks)

Analyze two advantages of having effective management in supply chain.
(4 Marks)

Explain two moral dimensions of the information Age.
(4 Marks)

SECTION B: answer two questions

Question Two
Many businesses now expect their employees to work at home and go to the office only occasionally. Explain how I.T can help with this mode of working.
(10 Marks)

An information system consists of five major resources giving examples, briefly discuss these resources.
(10 Marks)

Question Three
Critically evaluate the stages of decision making.
(8 Marks)

Discuss managerial challenges of information technology.
(5 Marks)

Discuss the unique features of all organizations.
(5 Marks)

What is a system?
(2 Marks)

Question Four
How do you use is to gain competitive advantage.
(8 Marks)

Management support systems focus on providing information and support for effective decision making by managers. Briefly discuss the roles played by the following types if information systems:
(9 Marks)
Management information systems (MIS).
Decision support systems (DSS)
Executive information systems (EIS)
Explain three threats to information system in an organization.
(3 Marks)

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