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Human Computer Interaction (Bbit 314) (Bsis 430) Question Paper

Human Computer Interaction (Bbit 314) (Bsis 430) 

Course:Bachelor Of Business Information Technology

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012


Answer question one and any other two questions.
Question One (Compulsory)
Define the following terms as used in HCI:
Human Computer Interaction (HCL)
(6 marks)
Briefly discuss the two main types of goals in HCL.
(4 marks)
What is the role of Human Computer Interactions?
(2 marks)
Differentiate between the nature of humans and computers that necessitate human computer interaction.
(4 marks)
How can systems be made more accessible to elderly users?
(2 marks)
Differentiate between software engineers and human computer interaction specialists.
(2 marks)
Interaction paradigm refer to a particular philosophy or way of thinking about interaction design. Discuss any three interaction paradigms in HCL.
(6 marks)
Norman (1993) distinguishes between two general modes of cognition. Discuss them.
(4 marks)

Question Two
Usability goals are specifically broken down into six main goals. With relevant examples, discuss any four usability goals.
(12 marks)
Discuss briefly four different interaction styles used to accommodate dialog between user and computer.
(8 marks)

Question Three
Discuss any three design principles concerned with how to determine what users should see and do when carrying out their tasks using an interactive product.
(6 marks)
Differentiate between real affordance and perceived affordance as relates to the design of physical objects.
(2 marks)
Discuss the four physical aspects of an interface.
(8 marks)
What are the four main types of help that users may require? For each type, give an example of a situation in which it would be appropriate.
(4 marks)

Question Four
State the four major components in an interactive system.
(4 marks)
Constraining refer to determining ways to restricting the kind of user interaction that can take place at a given moment. With relevant examples, discuss the three categories of constraints as classified by Norman.

(9 marks)
The choice of input device should contribute as positively as possible to the usability of a system. Discuss briefly any three characteristics of a good input device.
(3 marks)
Norman describes two gulfs, which represent the problems that are caused by some interfaces to their users. Discuss the two gulfs.
(4 marks)

Question Five
Define task analysis and its purpose in HCI.
(2 marks)
Briefly discuss the three types of task analysis.
(6 marks)
Discuss the stages of designing an evaluation strategy.
(12 marks)

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