Accounting Information Systems (Bbit 437) Question Paper

Accounting Information Systems (Bbit 437) 

Course:Computer Science & Business Information

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012


Answer question one and any other two questions.
Question One
Explain the relationship between the organizational culture and an accounting information system.
(4 marks)
Give the basic activities performed in the general ledgers system.

(4 marks)
Explain when to use inventory and non-inventory part types of items in quick books.
(4 marks)
Explain how a bank account is created in QuickBooks.
(4 marks)
Give three examples of unintentional act that may threaten the security of a computerized accounting system.
(3 marks)
What are the examples of intentional acts?
(3 marks)
Explain the activities of audit process.
(4 marks)
Give four factors considered during the post implementation review of an AIS.

Question Two
Explain the logical access controls of an accounting information system
(8 marks)
Describe the roles played by the following people in AIS development.
(12 marks)
1. Management
2. Accountants
3. Systems Analyst
4. Steering Committee

Question Three
Explain how intranets assist efficient working in:
1. Finance & Accounting
2. Sales and Marketing departments (8 marks)
Discuss the potential risks associated with e-business and how they can be overcome.
(12 marks)

Question Four
Discuss the following:
How basic business transactions can be grouped.
(10 mark)
How each transaction relates to other cycles.
(10 marks)

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