Software Engineering Principles(Cisy 321) (Bbit 334) Question Paper

Software Engineering Principles(Cisy 321) (Bbit 334) 

Course:Computer Science And Business

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


INSTRUSTIONS: Answer question one and any other two questions.
Question One
Compare and contrast the following terms:
Software engineering
Systems engineering
Computer science
Software process
Software engineering as a relatively new engineering discipline is beginning to exhibit underlying principles that might be considered to be both enriching and universal. The discipline was born out of "Software crisis of software depression"
Define the term "software crisis"
Explain the effects of the software crisis.
Explain the reasons that encountered for the software crisis.
Outline the solution that was provided in solving the crisis.
List and explain the software development phases of the software process model (SPM)

Question Two
Describe the following common categories of software systems requirements:
Functional requirements
Performance requirements
Client user requirements
As an advisor of a software development team where an issue of software development methodology has caused differences over the useage of either waterfall model or prototyping:
Give advice on when and where to apply the two.
With justification, provide appropriate recommendations on the most suitable methodology in the event that requirements specified by stakeholders are scanty and inadequate.

Question Three
An effective project focuses on 4ps: people, product, process and project. Discuss these issues in relations to a software engineering project. (8mks)
Describe the three activities involved in a typical software acceptance testing (SAT).
Explain the six main software maintenance processes.

Question Four
Define the following terms/concepts as applied to software engineering:
Feasibility study
Requirements elicitation
Quality assurance.
In the context of software design, define what is meant by the following design principles and illustrate each with an example piece of design.
Transparency also known as information hiding
Explain how case tools can be used to support routine activities in the software processes such as editing design diagrams, checking diagram consistency and keeping track of program tests.

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