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Software Engineering Principles(Bbit 334) (Cisy 321) Question Paper

Software Engineering Principles(Bbit 334) (Cisy 321) 

Course:Computer Science And Business

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


Instructions: Answer question one and any other two.
Question One
Define software engineering and briefly explain the emergence of software engineering.
Explain how the following quality assurance measures can be employed in software development
Constructive measures.
Analytical measures.
Organizational measures.
What is CASE? Justify the use of case tools and provide examples of case tools.
Isolate two weakness of waterfall development al prototyping model. (4mks)
Describe how the spiral model may be suitable to improve on the weaknesses you have noted in (d) above.
Discuss three estimation techniques and state the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Question Two
Describe the five major software project management activities and explain some of techniques that may be useful in successful implementation of the activities.
Explain the size oriented and functional oriented metrics in context of software development productivity estimation.
Explain the cocoma model

Question Three
What is the objectives of requirement engineering?
Describe th four main stages of requirement engineering process and state deliverable under each of the phase.
Distinguish between functional and non functional requirements. (4mks)
Suggest the functional requirement for a students payments system. (4mks)

Question Four
Software should be designed to be easily testable. Discuss tour design principles that will help to achieve this goal.
Describe five design guidelines for developing a usable interface. (5mks)
What are the objectives or architectural design.
What is use case? Provide an illustration.

Question Five
Explain any two merits and demerits of software standards.
What is process based quality? State and discuss four tools that can be employed as part of quality assurance.
The management of document is important in all disciplines particularly so in software engineering. End users must be trained to use newly developed software discuss the merits or otherwise of software team developing the training materials, rather than employing technical authors.

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