Object Oriented Analysis And Design(Bbit 335) (Cisy 411)  Question Paper

Object Oriented Analysis And Design(Bbit 335) (Cisy 411)  

Course:Computer Science And Business

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


Instructions: Answer all question in section A and any two from section B.
Question one
List three techniques you can use to determine classes to objects. (3mks)
List four major benefits of the object oriented approach.
In the 00 model why is the use case view described as central?
Describe three things that a good use case should be/do.
What are the typical contents of a flow of events document and where in the software development life cycle does this document fit.
List three purposes of interaction diagrams.
Differentiate between a sequence diagram and a collaboration diagram.
Which view of a system does a class diagram represent? Further list 3 requirement attributes.
Define the following as relates to activity diagrams
Blach hole activity

Question Two
A bank system contains data on customers (identified by name and address) and their accounts. Each account has a balance and there are two types of accounts: one for savings which offers an interest rate, the other for investments, used to buy stocks. Stocks are bought at a certain quantity for a certain price (tickes) and the bank applies commission on stock orders. Draw a class diagram for the bank system above showing all classes and their attributes and attribute types of all the relationships. (20mks)

Question Three
Consider the following events for a courseware management system
A user who is a course administrator works the manage course functionality
The manage course functionality of the course administrator involves either the curse creation or course modification functionality of a course
After the course is either created or modified, the mange topic functionality of the course administrator calls the topic creation or modification functionality of a topic
Finally, the user involves the assign tutor to course functionality of the course administrator to assign a tutor to the selected course.
Represent this information in a sequence diagram (hint: you will have five objects in the sequence) (20mks)

Question Four
Describe what a transition diagram is and use a suitable example to show all the components of the diagram.
Describe what a deployment diagram is and show the components using an exampleof your choice.
List and briefly describe the different types of components found in a component diagram.

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