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Management Information Systems(Bbit 438) (Cisy 421) (Misc 322)  Question Paper

Management Information Systems(Bbit 438) (Cisy 421) (Misc 322)  

Course:Computer Science And Business

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


Instructions: Answer question one and any other two questions
Question One
Distinguish the following pair of terms as used in MIS:
System and information system.
Open system and closed system
State three internet applications areas.
Outline three disadvantages of buying IT applications.
Identify four different methods for evaluating and justifying IT investments.
State four requirements of a secure transaction.
State three factors to consider when designing an e-commerce site. (3mks)
Identify two types of computer networks.
State three potential threats to computerized information systems and suggest a remedy for each.
Resident virus
Logic bomb
Trogan horse

Question Two
State two advantages of business process reengineering.
Explain the following information systems (IS) required at different level of management.
Operational level IS.

Tactical level IS
Strategic level IS
Using a diagram explain five major components of an information system.

Question Three
State four advantages of databases.
Explain how pararell conversion is different from phased conversion. Which one is better for implementation of MIS and why?
Discuss the impacts of information systems on structure, authority, power and job content in modern organization.

Question Four
Outline five advantages of e-commerce.
Outline five benefits of leasing IT resources from application service providers.
Outline three limitations of organizational systems.
Using a simple sketch describe any four types of network topologies. (4mks)

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