Internet Application Programming (Cisy 311) (Bbit 325) Question Paper
Internet Application Programming (Cisy 311) (Bbit 325)
Course:Computer Science And Business
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2013
Instructions: Answer question one and any other two.
Question One
Define the term www and state four feature of www.
Provide the basic syntax of xhtml and explain the two main parts of the xhtml documents.
Describe how a client acquires a (hypertext) document from a http server, given a http document address show steps.
What is domain name? using examples explain three levels of domain name. (5mks)
Explain client side scripting and mention three advantages of such scripting.
What is the role of xml in web application.
Question Two
Discuss four roles of protocols in network communication. (4mks)
In context of transport protocols. Discuss the connection oriented and connectionless transport protocols.
Create a simple javascript that uses dialog boxes to input and display information.
Question Three
Distinguish between dynamic and static web pages.
Describe three main components of web browser.
Creat a CSS using class selector for defining text sizes, types and colours and show how you appliy the style on a paragraph.
Question Four
Create the following form control using html.
Text box named txtfirst and label first name
Two radio button named rdomale andrdofemale with labesl male and female
A text area named txtl
A push button submit and reset.
What is a web server? How do you set up a web server?
How do you define a variable in php. Use example.
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