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Artificial Intelligence(Cisy 422) (Bbit 333) Question Paper

Artificial Intelligence(Cisy 422) (Bbit 333) 

Course:Computer Science And Business

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


Instructions: Answer question one and any other two questions.
Question One
Describe the term "Turing test" as used in artificial intelligent systems.
If the Turing test is passed, does this show that computers exhibit intelligence? State your reasons.
Briefly describe the Chinese room experience.
Represent the following facts in first order predicate logic
Steve only likes easy courses.
All curses in arts are easy.
Science courses are hard
Explain how an artificial intelligent system is different form a conventional computing system.
Differentiate between forward and backward reasoning techniques. (4mks)
Explain the term "completeness" as used in search algorithms.

Question Two
Explain the concept of case based reasoning with an aid of a diagram.
Give any three advantages of breath first search algorithm.
Differentiate between priori and posteriori knowledge.

Question Three
Explain a simple model of an expert system architecture with an aid of a diagram.
Explain the following techniques as used in computational intelligence.
Neural network
Fuzzy systems

Question Four
Explain how the following tasks can be achieved in artificial intelligence
Face recognition pattern matching
Handwriting recognition
Language translation.
Discuss any three categories of artificial intelligent agents. (9mks)

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