Introduction To Computer Networks(Cisy 131) (Bit 241)  Question Paper

Introduction To Computer Networks(Cisy 131) (Bit 241)  

Course:Computer Science & Business Information

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012


Instructions: Answer Question ONE and any other TWO.
Question One (30 Marks)
Compare the OST and TLP/IP protocol suite.
(10 Marks)
Explain methods that can be used to secure computer networks.(8 Marks)
Why would one organization prefer wireless networks are guided networks.

(6 Marks)
Explain the first THREE layers of the internet protocol mode.
(6 Marks)

Question Two
Compare the advantages and disadvantages of the THREE media access methods.
(12 Marks)
What is the meaning of logical topology.
(2 Marks)
Explain with examples where possible, how ring topology differ from bus topology.
(6 Marks)

Question Three
State and explain limitations networks that employ guided media. (4 Marks)
With reference to the TCP/IP model explain the protocols used for connection less and connection oriented communication.
(6 Marks)
Discuss the disadvantages of:
Infra Red
Fibre Optic
As media for computer networking. (6 Marks)
Define the term protocols and state their purpose in computer networking.
(4 Marks)

Question Four
What are the functions of the layers of the OSI model.
(7 Marks)

Identify the internetworking devices that operate in each layer of the OSI model and state their functions.
(7 Marks)

With the aid of a diagram "illustrate" the advantages and disadvantages of logical topologies.
(6 Marks)

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