Introduction To Computer Networks(Cisy 131) (Bit 241) Question Paper
Introduction To Computer Networks(Cisy 131) (Bit 241)
Course:Computer Science And Business
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2012
Answer question one and any other two questions
Question One
Define the following terms as used with computer networks:
Computer networks are important in the operations of a modern day organization. Give four reasons why computer networks are necessary.
State four guided media types used in computer networks.
Distinguish between the following concepts
Physical topology and logical topology.
Reliable service and unreliable service.
State and briefly describe any four application layer protocols. (8mks)
Question Two
State two standard organizations for computer networks.
With the help of a well labeled diagram, describe the seven layer ISO/OSI communication model.
Briefly describe the following concepts as used with the TCP protocol
Question Three
State and briefly describe four network interconnection devices. (8mks)
Computer networks may be described as a collection of services, protocols and standards that facilitate resource sharing and communication. Briefly describe the underlined concepts, showing how they are related. (8mks)
The internet protocol (IP) is the core protocol at the network layer. Outline the four main functions performed by IP to facilitate network communication.
Question Four
The user datagram protocol (UDP) is the unreliable entity at the TCP/IP transport layer. Give three situations where UDP is the preferred protocol of use.
The fiber optic transmission media has in the recent past become popular as an alternative to satellite transmission, especially in linking continents across long distances. Briefly describe the fiber optic transmission media, and outline three advantages of the fiber optic that makes it a preferred option.
State and briefly explain any three types of routing algorithms. (6mks)
Briefly describe the following network technologies for the data link layer.
Ethernet 10Base 5
Token ring
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