Ethical And Societal Impacts Of Ict (Cisy 203) Question Paper
Ethical And Societal Impacts Of Ict (Cisy 203)
Course:Computer Science And Business
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2012
Answer all questions in SECTION A and ANY TWO questions in SECTION B.
Question One
List four characteristics of fifth generation computers.
Describe the liability responsibility of a professional.
Define the term computer ethics as opined by Walter Manner.
Describe two ethical problems created by a technological revolution. (4mks)
List four ethical issues regarding information as a target ethics. (4mks)
Explain how the demise of hierarchy has changed the internal organizational environment
. (4mks)
Describe three ways of increasing stress in the workplace.
Describe two situations whereby an individual can say that they have privacy on the internet.
Question Two
Briefly describe the following approaches to computer ethics
"No resolution" approach.
Radical approach.
Conservative approach.
Interpret information as a target ethics by defining who an agent is and how the agent is involved here.
Define who a patient is in a moral situation.
Question Three
List and briefly describe four recommendations for overcoming barriers to responsibility in computing.
Describe four real world situations where computers have been responsible for job replacement.
Question Four
List and explain three limits of privacy notation.
One school of thought proposes that democracy should allow for divergent views. Examine whether this is the case by describing whether it is so on the internet and in a bricks and mortar environment. (6mks)
Describe the five step methodology of dealing with an ethical issue which had created an opportunity or problem.
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