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Bps 1101 Principles Of Management Question Paper

Bps 1101 Principles Of Management 

Course:Bachelor Of Commerce

Institution: Dedan Kimathi University Of Technology question papers

Exam Year:2014

Dedan Kimathi University of Technology
University Examination 2013/2014
First Year First Semester Examination for Diploma in Business
Administration and Purchasing and Supply Management
Unit Code: BPS 1101 Principles of Management
Answer question one any other two question 2hours
a) Principles of management are an essential unit course for any manager. Discuss five importance of principle management 10mks
b) Control is one of the functions of management. Briefly describe the process of controlling and give two advantages and disadvantages.10 mks
c) Discuss on decision making and problem solving 5mks
d) With an illustration, give and explain the levels of management. 5mks
a) Being a Human Resource Manager you are involved in a recruitment Process for General Manager; discuss the skills that you will be looking for in a manager and the roles that you think the manager would undertake 10mks
b) Discuss on centralization and decentralization 5mks
c) Motivation is a key element for any manager to acquire. Why is motivation essential to employees?
a) Discuss on three theories of management 10mks
b) Clearly define and describe the process of organizing 10mks
Clearly discuss with relevant example on the internal environment factors affecting a business and the way one being a manager can cope with the environmental factors. 20 mks
a) Explain the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs model and its application as a source of motivation. 10mks
b) Describe 3 leadership styles 10mks

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