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Management Information System(Cisy 421) Question Paper

Management Information System(Cisy 421) 

Course:Computer Information Systems And Business Information Technology

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012


Answer question one and any other two.
Question One
Critically assess the four powerful worldwide changes that have altered the business environment.
What are the five moral dimensions of the information age?
Mention any four organizational factors to be considered in planning new systems.
Outline three generic e-commerce models and their characteristics. (6mks)
Explain how the following technical solutions can be useful.
What is meant by the term ’business intelligence’?

Question Two
Critically evaluate the stages of decision making.
What are information system strategies for dealing with competitive forces?

Question Three
Enumerate some of the problems with the traditional file environment.
Describe the ACID properties of a transaction processing system. (8mks)
i) Why are many large organizations adopting the use of ERP’S (3mks)
ii) What significant role is played by expert systems in organizations compared to other types of information systems? (4mks)

Question Four
Building a new information system is part of organizational change. Such change can be accepted or resisted by the people in the organization.
What factors can be attributed to the adoption of new information system?
Why would staff resist the implementation of a new information system?
Other than the traditional approach to information systems development. Outline other three methods and where suitable to use in building information systems.
Analyze how data mining can be employed to improve organizational performance.

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