Writing For Media (Prmo 042) Question Paper

Writing For Media (Prmo 042) 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


INSTRUCTIONS: Answer Question ONE And ANY Other TWO Questions
Question One
a) Briefly discuss SEVEN factors that you need to consider before choosing
your communication medium. (14marks)

b) What is a Premise? (2marks)

c) Differentiate between Direct and Indirect characterization. (4marks)

Question Two
a) Describe at least SIX genies of books. (12marks)

b) Define the following terms:
i) Original dramatic treatments. (2marks)
ii) Adaptation treatments. (2marks)
iii) Treatments of true stories. (2marks)
iv) Synopsis. (2marks)

Question Three
a) Explain the SIX methods of characterization. (12marks)

b) According to the information richness theory, it is suggested that media differ in their potential capacity of transmitting the meaning of information in four information-richness factors so that they can be ranked from ’rich’ to ’lean’. Briefly explain those FOUR factors.

Question Four
a) What are the TEN steps of writing a premise? (10marks)

b) Explain at least FIVE proven techniques that help in idea generation.

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