Presentation Skills(Prmo 046) Question Paper
Presentation Skills(Prmo 046)
Course:Business Administration
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2013
INSTRUCTIONS: Answer Question ONE and ANY Other TWO Questions
Question One
a) Briefly discuss the FIVE key facts of the human body which deserve attention in presentation skills. (10marks)
b) Explain the FIVE basic ethical issues that should be considered as you plan for an interview. (10marks)
Question Two
a) Describe the following communication theories:
i) Cognitive Dissonance Theory (2marks)
ii) Communication Accommodation Theory (2marks)
iii) Symbolic Interaction Theory (2marks)
b) How do you effectively use vituals aids in a presentation? (6marks)
c) Explain the FOUR stages of a job interview. (8marks)
Question Three
a) Discuss the following types of organizational meetings:-
i) Problem solving meetings (3marks)
ii) Status meetings (3marks)
iii) Feedback/follow-up meetings (3marks)
iv) Decision making meetings (3marks)
v) Planning meetings (3marks)
b) List FIVE basic characteristics of a small group. (5marks)
Question Four
a) Briefly explain how you can effectively prepare and deliver an informal
speech. (8marks)
b) Describe the THREE common types of conflict in a small group.
c) As an effective small group leader, there are a few things that you should
NOT DO. List at least SIX of them. (6marks)
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