Presentation Skills(Prmo 046) Question Paper
Presentation Skills(Prmo 046)
Course:Business Administration
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2013
Answer question one and any other two questions.
Question One
During your presentation, you should allocate time for a Q & A session. List some of the DO’s for conducting a successful Q & A session.
(10 Marks)
Describe the five steps involved in the preparation and planning of a meeting.
(10 Marks)
Explain five advantages of meetings.
(10 Marks)
Question Two
As a professional, list at least TEN e-mail etiquette guidelines that you can follow.
(10 Marks)
Describe the THREE common types of conflict in small groups.
(6 Marks)
In a presentation, what are the four main roles that visual aids play?
(4 Marks)
Question Three
Briefly describe the following communication theories:
Social penetration theory
(2 Marks)
Uncertainty reduction theory
(2 Marks)
Muted group theory
(2 Marks)
Standpoint theory
(2 Marks)
Symbolic interaction
(2 Marks)
List TEN guidelines of conducting a non-employment interview.
(10 marks)
Question Four
Describe the four types of small group communication.
(8 Marks)
Describe the THREE different types of speeches
Informative speeches
(3 Marks)
Demonstrative speeches
(3 marks)
Persuasive speeches
(3 Marks)
Define an informal meeting and give an example.
(3 Marks)
Question Five
What seven practices do good tech writers practices?
(7 marks)
List six disadvantages of meeting.
(6 Marks)
As a professional what do you need to do in order to effectively participate in a meeting?
(7 Marks)
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