Human Resource For Health(Chtu 313) Question Paper

Human Resource For Health(Chtu 313) 

Course:Community Health

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012


SECTION A – 50 MARKS : Answer all questions from this section each question carries 10 marks.
Question One
Define the following concepts
Human Resource for Health (HRH)
Health systems
Health resources information system (HRIS)
Health worker
Skill mix

Question Two
List the elements of a Health System.
Briefly outline the contribution of each in the creation and delivery of health services.

Question Three
Explain the link between Human Resource for Health (HRH) needs, planning and staffing.

Question Four
Differentiate between the following terms as used in Human Resources for Health
Recruitment and selection
Training and development
Job analysis and job design

Question Five
Outline the critical specifications for creating and filling positions and deployment criteria in institutions of health.

SECTION B: Answer any two questions of the three (3) questions in this section. (25 marks each)
Question One
World Health Organization and governments worldwide indicate that there is HRH crisis
Discuss the causes of the apparent crisis in HRH
Outline some of the measures that could be instituted to reverse the current HRH crisis.

Question Two
As the head of the Human Resource department in a community based organization, discuss how you will ensure that employee compensation in your organization is motivating, increases employee productivity and reduces labour turnover.

Question Three
Discuss the various ways in which human resource enhance retention.
Outline the current trends in health workforce.

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