Research Methods(Chtu 321)  Question Paper

Research Methods(Chtu 321)  

Course:Community Health

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012


This paper consists of the two sections A and B. Attempt all question in section A and choose any three in section B.
You are required to use only blue ink in writing this paper.
Start each question on a fresh paper.

Question One
Describe how one can identify a research topic in health care. (4mks)

Question Two
Distinguish between qualitative and quantitative research design. (6mks)

Question Three
Explain three main important piece of information a health professional needs to include in the statement of the problem in research. (6mks)

Question Four
State any three characteristics of a research objective (6mks)

Question Five
Explain any three limitations of case structure in Health Care research. (6mks)

Question Six
Explain briefly, three disadvantages of using instrument to collect data in health research. (6mks)

Question Seven
Explain any three ethical principles a health professional would consider in data analysis. (6mks)

SECTION B: Attempt any three questions from this section. Start each question on a fresh paper.
Question Eight
With relevant examples, describe the possible model of research process in health care. (20mks)

Question Nine
Listing relevant examples, explain the process of formulating a problem statement in health research. (20mks)

Question Ten
Rodney is a health professional working in SAPTA. He wants to conduct a research on the efficacy of psycho education in HIV/AIDS in Kibera in order to design a programme which would assist reduce the incidence of the condition. Describe the process in which he would use in choosing the design for his study. (20mks)

Question Eleven
Mary is a public health officer in Mlolongo division. He wants to study the knowledge, attitude and practices of solid waste in Ngwata village in Mlolongo. Describe in details with relevant examples how he is going to select the methods of collecting data. (20mks)

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