Critical Thinking And Academic Writing (Hsmu 112) (Chtu 112) Question Paper

Critical Thinking And Academic Writing (Hsmu 112) (Chtu 112) 

Course:Health Systems Management

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012


Answer ALL Questions in Section A, and ANY THREE in Section B

Question One
Briefly describe concept of critical thinking in Health Care. (6marks)

Question Two
Explain THREE techniques which you can use as a student of health care to help you read critically. (6marks)

Question Three
With an example for each, explain any TWO skills of critical thinking as used in health care. (6marks)

Question Four
Distinguish between similarity and simulation liuristics in critical thinking for health care. (6marks)

Question Five
Describe the THREE main sections in an academic document meant for higher learning in health care. (6marks)

Qustion Six
Explain THREE reasons for citation in an academic document in health care.

Question Seven
Differentiate between compare and contrast in a health care question. (4marks)

Question Eight
Citing the relevant examples, describe the major steps used in writing a term paper in Health care. (20marks)

Question Nine
With relevant examples, explain how a health professional can use the steps of problem solving in solving an identified problem in a health care facility that affects service delivery. (20marks)

Question Ten
With examples, explain major elements of critical thinking and how they are applied to academic writing in a term paper or report. (20marks)

Question Eleven
With relevant examples describe the major activities involved in critical thinking in health care. (20marks)

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