Introduction To Medical Parasitology And Entomology(Chtu 135) Question Paper

Introduction To Medical Parasitology And Entomology(Chtu 135) 

Course:Public Health

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


Answer all questions in section A and choose any two from section B.
SECTION A: (50 Marks)
Question One
What is a parasite? Give examples which fit the definition.

Question Two
We have four categories of parasites. Name them giving an example of each.

Question Three
Name two types of hookworm. How are they important medically?

Question Four
There are seven categories of protozoan parasite. List them indicating their importance. (10mks)

Question Five
Describe body parts of an insect. How are they important? (10mks)

SECTION B: (50 Marks) Choose any two questions.
Question Six
What are geohelminth diseases? Describe in details one of them in terms of transmission, epidemiology, treatment and control. (25mks)

Question Seven
Malaria is a disease which transmitted by mosquitoes. How is this done and how can we control the disease. (25mks)

Question Eight
Schistosomiasis is a parasitic disease which is prevalent in Kenya. With a named example in Kenya, give its life cycle. (25mks)

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