Health Promotion I (Chtu 221) Question Paper

Health Promotion I (Chtu 221) 

Course:Public Health

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


Answer all questions from this section. Each question is 10 Marks.
Question One
Outline the develops that underpin health promotion since 1978.
(7.5 marks)
Why is 1986 important I the development of HPR.
(2.5 marks)

Question Two
All the following are complementary approaches in health promotion except.
(5 marks)
Biomedical model
Social determinants
Name the five important HPR values that shape HPR practice.
(5 marks)

Question Three
Briefly describe the five action areas resulting from the first international HPR conference. (10 marks)
Question Four
Define the following terms. (10 marks)
Health Education
Health promotion
Social determinants of health.

Question Five
Differentiate between a health public policy and health policy.
(5 marks)
Give five reasons why partnership is key in development and implementation of health promotion intervention.
(5 marks)

SECTION B (50 Marks)
Question One
Health promotion is a relatively new field that is yet to be well understood. Your immediate supervisor has requested you to give a brief presentation on how to integrate HPR in the existing activities. Describe any five areas that you would give emphasis in your presentation to convince the management that HPR is important in health development.

Question Two
Discuss the Health Belief Model (HBM) as applied in developing effective interventions to promote health. (20 marks)

Question Three
Describe the process of ensuring that community members are proactively involved in the development, implementation, monitoring and evaluating health promotion interventions.

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