Research Methods(Chtu 315)  Question Paper

Research Methods(Chtu 315)  

Course:Public Health

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


Answer all questions in section A and choose any two from section B.
Question One
Briefly explain what should be considered in developing a research statement in health care.
Briefly describe two characteristics of research in health care. (4mks)

Question Two
Distinguish between qualitative and quantitative research in health care. (6mks)

Question Three
With an example for each, explain reasons for choosing quasi-experimental instead of laboratory experimental research in human health studies. (8mks)

Question Four
Explain three reasons for the importance of literature review in the preparation of a proposal in health care research. (6mks)

Question Five
With an example of each, distinguish between structured and unstructured questions in a study questionnaire as used in health care research. (6mks)

Question Six
With an example of each, distinguish between a null and alternative hypothesis in health care research. (8mks)

Question Seven
Distinguish between data analysis and data interpretation in health care research. (6mks)

SECTION B: Choose any two questions from this section
Question Eight
With relevant examples, describe the process of developing the introduction and background information in health care research. (25mks)

Question Nine
With relevant examples, explain the steps in data processing in health care research. (25mks)

Question Ten
With relevant examples, describe the process of interactive review in health care research. (25mks)

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