Medical Biochemistry (Chtu 125) Question Paper
Medical Biochemistry (Chtu 125)
Course:Public Health
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2013
INSTRUCTIONS: INSTRUCTIONS: Answer ALL Questions (Compulsory) in Section A and any TWO Questions in Section B
Question One
Choose the correct Answer (5marks)
i) Which of the following statements about diabetes is false?
The Kenya prevalence of diabetes is decreasing
Diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death in Kenya
Diabetes is the leading cause of death among persons 20 to 74yrs
Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure.
ii) Which of the following measures does not help to prevent diabetes
Controlling blood glucose
Controlling blood pressure and blood lipids
Eliminating all carbohydrate from diet
Prompt delectation of diabetic eye and kidney disease.
iii) Which of the following regimes offers the best blood glucose control for persons with type 1 diabetes?
A single anti-diabetic drug
Once daily insulin injections
A combination of oral anti-diabetic medications
Three or four injections per day of different types of insulin
iv) The normal level for blood glucose in post absorptive state is
59 – 89mg%
200 – 205 mg%
100 -140 mg %
300-350 mg%
v) The following are stages of diabetes except
Suspected diabetes
Chemical diabetes
Neonat diabetes
Question Two
A 25 year old woman with IDDM complained of repeated episodes of sleep disturbances, night sweats, what is the most likely cause of this woman`s symptoms? How might the diagnosis confirmed. (15marks)
Question Three
Describe the various bone disease that affect humans. (10marks)
Question Four
Describe the toxicity, symptoms and treatment of cadimium. (5marks)
Question Five
Explain the causes of hyperglycaemia and hypoglycemia. (15marks)
Question Six
Explain the cause, diagnosis symptoms and treatment of fructosurice.
Question Seven
Outline the difference between insulin dependent diabetes mellitus and non insulin dependent mellitus and explain briefly on the clinical features of diabetes mellitus. (25marks)
Question Eight
Describe how a phlebotomist collects blood through skin puncture and arterial puncture. (25marks)
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