Principles Of Environmental Health(Chtu 212) Question Paper

Principles Of Environmental Health(Chtu 212) 

Course:Public Health

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


INSTRUCTIONS: Answer ALL Questions in Section A and Section B
SECTION A (50marks)
Question One
Describe the hydrologic cycle and explain it is important of the practices of environmental health. (10marks)

Question Two
a) Define the term water pollution (1mark)
b) List FOUR primary sources of water pollution. (4marks)
c) What are pathogens? (1mark)
d) Name FIVE pathogens found in water that are commonly associated with
enteric disease in Kenya. (4marks)

Question Three
Describe the FOUR (4) Public health conditions that relate to water for human use. (10marks)

Question Four
a) What is "Sickle building Syndrome"? (2marks)
b) What are the TWO suspected causes of this syndrome? (4marks)
c) What are the most likely source? (4marks)

Question Five
Briefly describe FOUR common substances and processes used to disinfect drinking water citing advantages and disadvantages of each. (10marks)

Question Six
Discuss the process of climate change highlight the contributions of green house gases to this process and the environmental health effect related to global warming. (25marks)

Question Seven
In reference to malaria vector control describe FIVE (5) vector control methods citing advantages and disadvantages of each. (25marks)

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