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Health Promotion I (Chtu 221) Question Paper

Health Promotion I (Chtu 221) 

Course:Public Health

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


INSTRUCTIONS: Answer ALL Questions (Compulsory) in Section A and any TWO Questions in Section B
Question One
Briefly explain social justice and its similarities with health promotion.

Question Two
Enabling is a key strategy in health promotion. Briefly explain what it entails?

Question Three
Outline some good health practices as advocated in health promotion. (5marks)

Question Four
What is the role of school health clubs in promoting safe hygiene? (5marks)

Question Five
Why is health education important after a disaster e.g. floods? (5marks)

Question Six
Define social justice and its applicability. (5marks)

Question Seven
Describe equity in health as a value in health promotion. (5marks)

Question Eight
Briefly describe the history and early development of health promotion.

Question Nine
Define health education and list down some relevant programs. (5marks)

SECTION B (Long Answer Questions)

Question Ten
Giving examples, compare and contrast holistic and participatory approaches as used in health promotion. (25marks)

Question Eleven
Tobacco and alcohol abuse are TWO major health hazards that deserve immediate action through the development of healthy public policies
a) What is a health public policy? (5marks)
b) What are the aims of a health public policy? (5marks)
c) Describe the contents of a health public policy to address tobacco use
and the abuse of alcohol. (15marks)

Question Twelve
Describe the Health Belief Model and how you can use it to eliminate a bad health behavior such as alcohol use and abuse. (25marks)

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