Management Of Human Resource For Health(Chtu 332) Question Paper
Management Of Human Resource For Health(Chtu 332)
Course:Public Health
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2013
INSTRUCTIONS: Answer ALL Questions (Compulsory) in Section A and any TWO Questions in Section B
Question One
Define Human Resources for Health. (2marks)
Question Two
List SIX human resources function in any health facility or organization.
Question Three
State FOUR reasons why a human resource manager should plan for the human resources for health. (4marks)
Question Four
Discuss THREE approaches to human resources planning that can be used in an organization. (6marks)
Question Five
Contrast between recruitment and selection. (2marks)
Question Six
What is a job analysis? (2marks)
Question Seven
Describe the stages of recruitment of a health worker in a level two health facility. (8marks)
Question Eight
There are several challenges that affect the human resources for health performance and productivity in Kenya health sector. Briefly discuss THREE of those challenges and suggest various way of overcoming the mentioned challenges. (10marks)
Question Nine
Differentiate between training and development as used in human resources for health management. (4marks)
Question Ten
Outline SIX (6) factors that a supervisor should consider when promoting his staff. (6marks)
Question One
a) Define staff motivation and mention TWO types of motivation that a
worker can exhibit. (5marks)
b) Describe TEN (10) strategies that you can use as a supervisor in a health
facility to retain your staff. (20marks)
Question Two
There are several ways of separating or exiting the health workforce. Discuss FIVE methods a health workforce. Discuss FIVE methods a health worker can opt for when exiting the service; citing TWO examples that can lead to the exit mentioned. (25marks)
Question Three
a) Performance Management is one of the key practices of modern human
resources management. Why is this practice important today? (10marks)
b) List SIX problems to be avoided in appraising staff performance.
c) Describe the following appraisal methods
i) 360 degrees. (3marks)
ii) Alternation ranking method. (3marks)
iii) Critical incident method. (3marks)
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