Human Anatomy&Amp; Physiology(Chtu 134) Question Paper
Human Anatomy&Amp; Physiology(Chtu 134)
Course:Public Health
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2013
INSTRUCTIONS : Answer ALL Questions in Section A and ONLY TWO in Section B
SECTION A (50marks)
Question One
State the functions of skeletal systems. (5marks)
Question Two
Describe the classification of bones, and each give examples of each type.
Question Three
Explain the functions of Endoplasmic Recticulum and peroxisomes. (8marks)
Question Four
Draw a well labeled diagram of the internal female genitalia. (8marks)
Question Five
Briefly describe the various components of the lymphatic system. (5marks)
Question Six
Outline the difference between mitosis and meosis. (8marks)
Question Seven
State FIVE functions of gastric juice. (5marks)
Question Eight
Outline the functions of hormones secreated by the anterior pituitary gland.
SECTION B (50marks)
Question Nine
Describe the growth and development of the bone and the healing process.
Explain the FOUR main tissues in the body and write a note on their functions.
Question Ten
Draw and label a diagram of the digestive system.
Explain the healing process of the skin; both superficial and deep wound healing.
Explain the function of medulla oblorgata and hypothalamus to our body.
Question Eleven
Outline the functions of the urinary system.
With the aid of a well labeled diagram describe the various body cauities and membranes.
Explain the physiology of urine formation.
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