Foundations And Principles Of Community(Chtu 213) Question Paper
Foundations And Principles Of Community(Chtu 213)
Course:Public Health
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2013
INSTRUCTIONS : Answer ALL Questions in Section A and ONLY TWO in Section B
Question One
Explain at least FOUR components of a functioning school health services as an integral part of community health care services. (10marks)
Question Two
Whether or not disease occurs in a person, ultimately depends upon the interaction of THREE factors. Explain these THREE factors. (10marks)
Question Three
Implementation of Primary Health Care and Community Based health care concepts and strategies in Africa have not been without challenges; describe any FIVE of these challenges and how they may be over-comed. (10marks)
Question Four
Giving feedback after evaluation of a community health intervention is critical to achievement of project set milestones.
Task: Describe at least FIVE beneficiaries who are likely to attend such a feedback forum and why they do so. (10marks)
Question Five
By use of an illustration, explain the health gain spiral in a community health intervention. (10marks)
SECTION B (50marks)
Question Six
Modern health care systems strive to strike a balance between preventive and curative care by providing comprehensive health care packages to populations and communities they serve. Discuss the Kenya Essential Package for Health is delivered. (25marks)
Question Seven
The manifested health status of a population is the result of several underlying factors operating at different levels. You have been directed by the county Health Management Team to give an account of the Health status of community X where you are incharge. Discuss how you would address this task. (25marks)
Question Eight
Community health has continued to experience changes based on emerging challenges globally. Discuss these changing trends in community health and how this affects service delivery at community level. (25marks)
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