Health Promotion 1 (Chtu 221)  Question Paper

Health Promotion 1 (Chtu 221)  

Course:Public Health

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


INSTRUCTIONS : Answer ALL Questions in Section A and ONLY TWO in Section B
Question One
Briefly describe the health promotion process. (5marks)

Question Two
What is the role of theories in health promotion? (5marks)

Question Three
Define the following terms as used in health promotion:-

Question Four
There are various approaches that can be applied to ensure effective health promotion in a community. Briefly explain the benefits of using a community development approach. (5marks)

Question Five
Health promotion involves working with groups of people. What are some of the advantages of working in groups? (5marks)

Question Six
Distinguish between social justice and equity in health. (5marks)

Question Seven
Socio and economic factors are some of the root causes or determinants of health. Briefly explain how each of these can affect health. (5marks)

Question Eight
Briefly explain how culture can negatively affect health promotion activities.

Question Nine
The Adelaide International conference on health promotion identified FOUR key areas as priorities for health public policy. Describe the importance of such a policy in food and nutrition. (6marks)

SECTION B (50marks)
Question Ten
Health promotions is an active process for better health. Discuss the FIVE action areas as identified by the Ottawa charter. (25marks)

Question Eleven
The broad spectrum of health promotion has made it that all Health workers together with other professionals must be involved. What would be the role of women group leaders in a community tackling sanitary and hygiene issues.

Question Twelve
The ancient Greeks have been acknowledged for the role they played in the history and early development of health promotion. Discuss their role.

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