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Community Health Strategy(Chtu 314)  Question Paper

Community Health Strategy(Chtu 314)  

Course:Public Health

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


INSTRUCTIONS : Answer ALL Questions in Section A and ONLY TWO in Section B
Question One
Define the following concept as used in community strategy.
Community participation
Community development.

Question Two
List down THREE participatory methods used for community data collection.

Question Three
State FOUR ways in which poverty causes in health and in each of the FOUR ways show how community participation can prevent them. (8marks)

Question Four
Explain how the following categories of people are affected by poor distribution of resources at household level.
Breast feeding babies
Lactating mothers
Children aged between 13-24 years

Question Five
Name FOUR structures of health service delivery.
How are these structures linked to each other to ensure optimum referral system?

SECTION B (50 marks)
Question Six
Discuss social determinants of health and their contribution in achieving vision 2030. (25marks)

Question Seven
Non-communicable diseases represent an increasingly significant burden of ill health and death in the country. Discuss. (25marks)

Question Eight
Community health strategy is an effective means of delivery Kenya essential package for health. Discuss this statement in reference to the following levels of service delivery:
County government
Nationals government.

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