Research Methods And Proposal Development(Chtu 315) Question Paper
Research Methods And Proposal Development(Chtu 315)
Course:Public Health
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2013
INSTRUCTIONS : Answer ALL Questions in Section A and ONLY TWO in Section B
SECTION A (50marks)
Question One
With relevant examples identify different types of research in health care.
Question Two
With relevant examples explain the cyclical nature of the development of a research proposal in health care. (10marks)
Question Three
With examples, describe the advantages of a systematic analysis of a problem in community health research. (10marks)
Question Four
Describe the need for the development of research objectives. (6marks)
Differentiate between general and specific objectives.
Question Five
With relevant examples, explain data handling to ensure that ethical
considerations are put in place in community health research. (10marks)
SECTION B (50marks)
Question Six
You are the newly appointed community health officer for Kilificounty. You have been requested to do a community health research in a community living with HIV/AIDs. Explain in detail the THREE main phases of research work in community health. (25marks)
Question Seven
In a certain county, with a population of 250,000 sanitation conditions are very poor (only 5%) of households have latrines and diseases connected with poor sanitation are very common. The Ministry of Health has initiated a sanitation project that aims at increasing the number of households with latrines by 20% each year. The project provides materials and the population should provide labour. Two years later, less than half of the target has been achieved.
State the discrepancy.
State the research questions.
State FOUR objectives (specific)
Briefly explain choice of research design.
Explain the sampling methods of chronic.
With examples explain why this topic is researchable.
Question Eight
With relevant examples, explain the various study designs used in community health identifying advantages and disadvantages of each. (25marks)
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