Management Of Human Resources For Health(Chtu 332) Question Paper
Management Of Human Resources For Health(Chtu 332)
Course:Public Health
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2013
INSTRUCTIONS : Answer ALL Questions in Section A and ONLY TWO in Section B
SECTION A(50marks)
Question One
Define the following terms: (4marks)
Human resources for health
Human resources management.
Question Two
Outline SIX functions of a human resources manager in a level four health facility. (4marks)
Question Three
What is the difference between recruitment and selection? (4marks)
Question Four
List SIX factors to be considered before training is designed for health workers.
Question Five
Human resources for health planning is very critical for purposes of effective management. Give SIX reasons why? (6marks)
Question Six
Discuss FIVE reasons that would influence a human resources for health manager`s choice of interview in the selection process. (10marks)
Question Seven
"Money is not the only way to motivate staff." Describe FIVE alternative ways of motivating staff. (10marks)
Question Eight
Outline FOUR factors that a human resources needs to consider before offering a salary package. (4marks)
SECTION B (50marks)
Question One
List down emerging trends in the management of human resources for health in Kenya today.
There are several challenges facing human resources for health. Discuss FIVE challenges and provide relevant solutions to the discussed challenges.
Question Two
Differentiate between performance management and performance appraisal.
Discuss the steps in appraising performance of health workers.
Why would a supervisor appraise staff in the department? (5marks)
Discuss the following TWO methods of performance appraisal in a health facility:-
Graphic rating scale method.
Management by objectives.
What are the advantages of using 360? appraisal method?
Question Three
There are several ways of exiting from formal health workforce. Discuss FIVE of these methods briefly. (20marks)
What is gross misconduct in the work place?
Mention TWO offences that can be classified as gross misconduct in a health facility.
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