Introduction To Sociology Sost 131) Question Paper
Introduction To Sociology Sost 131)
Course:Business Administration
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2010
INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE (Compulsory) and any Other TWO Questions
Question 1
a) Define the term Social Sanction. (2marks)
b) Differentiate Sociology from the following Social Sciences. (6marks)
i) Political Science.
ii) Psychology.
iii) Anthropology.
c) Discuss the FOUR major cultural elements of interest to Sociological work providing appropriate examples for each. (8marks)
d) Why is Gender Research worth conducting?. (5marks)
e) What is the significance of Language in Culture? (5marks)
f) Sociological Theoretical Frameworks are established traditions that ask basic questions about society and inform sociological research. What are the FOUR broad questions Sociologists ask that enable them organize their empirical observations logically (4marks)
Question 2
a) Discuss the Triple Work of Women concept within the African Context. (6marks)
b) Using appropriate examples, Discuss the elements of religion. (12marks)
c) Explain the Concept of “Organic Metaphor” as used in Sociology. (2marks)
Question 3
a) What is the importance of Culture to any given societal group? (2marks)
b) Exhaustively DISCUSS the Research Process. (15marks)
c) Explain briefly THREE weaknesses of the Conflict Theory (3marks)
Question 4
a) Discuss the influence of the Enlightment (18th – 19th centuries) Era to the development of Sociology as a discipline of study. (6marks)
b) Define Social Darwinism. (2marks)
c) Sexuality although experienced as a bodily phenomenon is socially defined and patterned. State and explain the social and cultural bases of sexuality. (8marks)
d) What FOUR indicators show that Sub-Saharan African Countries have made substantial progress toward Macro-economic stability as a result of globalization? (4marks)
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