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Introduction To Anthropology(Sost 038)  Question Paper

Introduction To Anthropology(Sost 038)  

Course:Education And Pre-University

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010

Answer Question ONE and any Other THREE Questions

Question 1
a) Give Three reasons why Anthropology is considered as holistic and comprehensive (3marks)
b) Distinguish between paleontologist and primatologist. (4marks)
c) Explain 3 reasons why Anthropology is regarded as a science (3marks)
d) Explain five characteristics of culture (5marks)

Question 2
Discuss five sub branches of cultural Anthropology (15marks)

Question 3
Discuss five Anthropological theories (15marks)

Question 4
a) Discuss the role of religion in the society (10marks)
b) Explain five causes of social change in the world today. (5marks)

Question 5
Culture consists of both material and non material thoughts and behaviors. Explain the major cultural elements that of interest to sociologist and Anthropologist. (15marks)

Question 6
a) Explain six forms of interracial and interethnic relations. (12marks)
b) What are the main characteristics of social change (3marks)

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