World Regional Geography(Sost 051)  Question Paper

World Regional Geography(Sost 051)  

Course:Education And Pre-University

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010


Question 1
a) Outline the relationship between geography and the following subjects
i) Geography and economics
ii) Geography and mathematics (4marks)
b) Outline any four benefits of studying geography. (4marks)
c) Explain the main components of the internal structure of the earth. A clearly labeled diagram may be used. (7marks)

Question 2
a) Describe three importance of rocks in the region they are found. Give relevant examples in each case. (7marks)
b) Write short notes on the following
i) Sedimentary rocks
ii) Freeze-thaw action
iii) exfoliation
iv) biological weathering (8marks)

Question 3
a) What is regionalization? (3marks)
b) Critically evaluate the effects of human activities in the glaciated regions (12marks)

Question 4
Food shortages is a common feature in the African continent. Discuss the solutions to food shortages in the 21st century. (15marks)

Question 5
a) With relevant examples identify three types of resources? (3marks)
b) Resource management and conservation are important for any development to take place. Discuss the problems faced in resource utilization in developing countries. (12marks)

Question 6
a) Explain how the following can be used as measures of development .
i) Health
ii) Education
iii) Employment (6marks)
b) Critically discuss the causes of disparities in the world development. (9marks)

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