Introduction To Sociology(Sost 131) Question Paper
Introduction To Sociology(Sost 131)
Course:Education And Pre-University
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2010
INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions
Question 1
a) What is sociology? (3marks)
b) What is the importance of studying sociology? Give reasons for your answer (5marks)
c) Write short notes on the following in the development of sociology
i) Max Weber (6marks)
ii) August Comte (6marks)
d) Discuss any 2 theories of deviance from the list below
i) Labeling Theory
ii) Social - Conflict
iii) Social – Strain Typology
iv) Social Control (10marks)
Question 2
a) Identify the major ways of classifying social groups (4marks)
b) Explain three identified groups (6marks)
c) What are the psychological functions that groups serve to its members? (5marks)
Question 3
a) i) Define the concept of culture (2marks)
ii) What is ethnocentrism? (2marks)
iii) What is cultural relativity (2marks)
b) Discuss the components of culture showing how each of them shapes the behavior of people in the culture. Give examples to support your answer. (9marks)
Question 4
a) Discuss primary socialization and secondary socialization (5marks)
b) HIV/AIDS has posed a great challenge to the society today. There is a suggestion that those infected be put in asylum houses to avoid the spread of the disease. Discuss the aspect of stigma and discrimination showing your view of the same and support your answer. (10marks)
Question 5
The family is the smallest but most important unit of socialization. If the family fails, the whole society fails.
a) Discuss this statement citing examples of the importance of the family (6marks)
b) James is 7 years old and comes from a family of alcoholics. Both his father and mother drink alcoholic beverages to a point of blacking out. A week ago, James was caught with a sachet of illicit brew in his school bag. The teacher got very shocked and yelled loudly “ Our society is collapsing!”
i) Discuss the teachers statement in relation to James behavior (3marks)
ii) How has James family contributed to the collapsing of the society? (6marks)
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