Introduction To Philosophy( Sost 034) Question Paper

Introduction To Philosophy( Sost 034) 

Course:Education And Pre-University

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011

INSTRUCTIONS Answer any FOUR Questions

Question 1
Distinguish between philosophy as understood today with the understanding of the ancient Greece. (15marks)

Question 2
Describe with relevant examples five basic deductive and Inductive meaning. (15marks)

Question 3
Discuss the historical development of formal philosophy. (15marks)

Question 4
With specific examples discuss three methods of technical philosophy. (15marks)

Question 5
Provide a description of the following concepts. Give appropriate examples to support your answer. (15marks)
i) Ontology
ii) Cosmology
iii) Theology

Question 6
Describe the various sources of morality. (15marks)

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