World Regional Geography(Sost 051)  Question Paper

World Regional Geography(Sost 051)  

Course:Education And Pre-University

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011

INSTRUCTIONS Answer any FOUR Questions Sketch diagrams should be used where possible

Question 1
a) i) Give two definition of Geography (4marks)
ii) What is regional geography (3marks)
b) Compare and contrast the climatic regions of Kenya and British Isles. (8marks)

Question 2
a) Outline the importance of learning geography. (3marks)
b) Describe the relationship between geography and the following disciplines
i) Geology (2marks)
ii) History (2marks)
iii) Biology (2marks)
iv) Mathematics (2marks)
c) Explain the meaning of physical Geography and its major concern. (4marks)

Question 3
a) Describe various branches of geography (7marks)
b) Briefly describe the concept of regional geography and show its relevance in the study of geography today. (8marks)

Question 4
a) Draw a sketch map of British Isles and show how different air masses affect weather conditions. (8marks)
b) Describe the relief of East Africa, by giving specific examples. (7marks)

Question 5
a) Why does East Africa experience anomalies in climatic conditions, yet it is in the equatorial region. (6marks)
b) Draw the map of Kenya and indicate the following.
i) Rift valley
ii) Highland Regions
iii) Tsavo national park. (6marks)
c) Why is it important to study regional geography of different regions in East Africa, rather than studying the general geography of East African region. (3marks)

Question 6
a) Describe tourism industry in Kenya and highlight the challenges it faces. (7marks)
b) Other than tourism, discuss various economic activities in Kenya and highlight their impact on the physical environment. (8marks)

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