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Introduction To Sociology(Sost 131)  Question Paper

Introduction To Sociology(Sost 131)  

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011

INSTRUCTIONS Answer any THREE Questions

Question 1
a) Show the place of world systems theory in determining social change. (8marks)
b) Why is it important for a student of Business Administration to study sociology (10marks)
c) Explain how sociology is unique from other social science disciplines (12marks)

Question 2
“Emile Durkheim (1858 – 1917) contributed immensely to the development of sociology in Europe”. Discuss. (20marks)

Question 3
Briefly explain the four major frameworks of the feminist sociological theory. Draw diagrams where necessary. (20marks)

Question 4
a) What is the difference between family and kinship (8marks)
b) Show the key concepts that are associated with families (12marks)

Question 5
Systematically show the stages that are followed in the research process in sociology (20marks)

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