Introduction To Sociology(Sost 131) Question Paper
Introduction To Sociology(Sost 131)
Course:Education And Pre-University
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2011
INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any other TWO Questions
Question 1
a) “Sociology is about social relationships, the network of relationships we call society. Comment on this statement of Macluer and page and define sociology (6marks)
b) Of the three theoretical perspective, which one would you prefer to use if you were a sociologist? Why? (8marks)
c) Examine the place of sociology among the social sciences (5marks)
d) How do values, norms, sanctions, folkways and more reflect culture? (6marks)
Question 2
a) Functionalist stress that the family is universal because it provides basic functions for individuals and society. What functions does your family provide (7marks)
b) What three agents of socialization have influenced you the most? Can you pin point how they have influenced your attitudes beliefs, values or other orientations to life? (8marks)
Question 3
a) What are you statuses? Which ones are ascribed and which are achieved statuses? How do these statuses affect the way you interact with others in your network of relationships? (6marks) b) How do individual and institutional discrimination differ? Illustrate your answer with relevant examples. (4marks)
c) Look around you. On what basis do you classify people into social groups? Do you use “racial criteria? What distinctions do you use, and why? (5marks)
Question 4
a) Is it possible for a society to be truly “classify” with shared wealth? Why or why not? What empirical evidence might support your position. (7marks)
b) What kind of problems might be created in a society if everyone conformed and no one ever deviated from social standard? In other words, what might be some negative consequences of total social conformity (8marks)
Question 5
a) If you were on the city council in your city or town, how would you go about creating a stronger sense of connectedness among residents and more investment in the health and vitality of community? Do local festivals, sports leagues, coffee shops, outdoor music gatherings, or walks along views help? If not, what can pull people out of their insulated lives to engage with other citizens and become concerned participants? (10marks)
b) From what you know about the status of minority groups and women, how are problems they face in religion and other institutions (education, politics, economics) similar? (5marks)
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