Introduction To Psychology (Sost 136) (Coun 100) Question Paper
Introduction To Psychology (Sost 136) (Coun 100)
Course:Education And Pre-University
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2011
INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any other TWO Questions
Question 1
a) In relation to human behaviour, define the term psychology (3marks)
b) Explain any three goals of the study of psychology (6marks)
c) Discuss briefly three branches of psychology using relevant examples (6marks)
d) Explain the relationship between motivation and human behaviour (5marks)
e) According to Freud, defense mechanisms protect the ego from threats. Using real life situations, discuss briefly any five types of defense mechanisms (10marks)
Question 2
a) Discuss the social factors that influence behaviour (10marks)
b) According to the behaviourist theory, reinforcement is used to strengthen or weaken responses. Explain four types of reinforcement with supporting examples. (10marks)
Question 3
Explain the Erikson’s psychosocial development theory (20marks)
Question 4
a) Discuss five factors that affect perception (10marks)
b) What strategies can be used to manage or control stress in human relations (10marks)
Question 5
a) Discuss three elements of motivation (10marks)
b) Explain how motivation influence our behaviour (10marks)
Question 6
a) Discuss social psychology in relation to how it applies to our behaviour (10marks)
b) How does perception determine our behaviour? (10marks)
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