Introduction To Sociology(Sost 131) Ii Question Paper
Introduction To Sociology(Sost 131) Ii
Course:Education And Pre-University
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2011
INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any other TWO Questions
Question 1
a) Do you think that sociologist should try to reform society or study it dispassionately? Illustrate your answer with relevant examples (8marks)
b) Of the three theoretical perspectives, which one would you prefer to use if you were a sociologist? Why (8marks)
c) What would you regard as the main aim of sociology? Illustrate your answer with relevant examples (8marks)
d) “Society involves both likeness and difference” discuss (6marks)
Question 2
a) What three agents of socialization have influenced you most? Can you pinpoint how they have influenced your attitudes, beliefs, values or other orientation to life? (7marks)
b) Small, tightly knit societies with no Meso or Macro level often stress cooperation, conformity and personal sacrifice for the sake of the community. Complex, societies with established Meso-and-Macro level linkages are more frequently individualistic, stressing personal uniqueness, individual creativity and critical thinking. Why might this be so? (8marks)
Question 3
a) Give an example of how individual resistance to change initiated by the national government or by an international agency may influence the course of change (5marks) b) How has terrorism affected institutions with which you are familiar? How is your life being changed by threats of terrorism? (6marks)
c) Discuss the importance of the concept of social structure in sociological studies (4marks)
Question 4
a) What might be some long-term social consequences for our individual lives and societies of the expanded use of the computer, the microwave, oven, or the cell phone? (4marks)
b) Does reduction of traditional family functions mean a decline in the importance of family or merely an adaptation of the family to changes in society? Is the modern family, based largely on emotional bonds rather than structural interdependency,
a healthier system, or is it more fragile (8marks)
c) Is e-dating a modern-day form of the matchmaker? Is it replacing other forms of finding a mate? Why or why not? (3marks)
Question 5
a) Recalling what you have learned about poverty, how would you develop a plan to attack the problem of poverty within your community or country? Is it a matter of job training, family values, breaking the cycle, welfare support or something else? (10marks)
b) Why do women and men in relationships behave the way they do? If these behaviours are hurtful or destructive, what might be done to change the situation? (5marks)
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