World Regional Geography(Sost 051) Ii Question Paper

World Regional Geography(Sost 051) Ii 

Course:Education And Pre-University

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011

INSTRUCTIONS Answer any FOUR Questions

Question 1
a) With an illustration, describe the internal structure of the earth (6marks)
b) The true shape of the earth is oblate spheroid. Describe the proofs that the earth is of this shape (9marks)

Question 2
a) What is weathering as used in rocks? (3marks)
b) Explain the following weathering processes: (9marks)
i) Exfoliation
ii) Freeze – thaw action
iii) Biological weathering
c) Give any three importance’s of rocks (3marks)

Question 3
a) Describe any two glacial erosional features. A labelled diagram may help your answer (5marks)
b) Discuss the importance of glaciated areas in economic development (10marks)

Question 4
Critically evaluate the causes of disparities in world development (15marks)

Question 5
a) Describe the concept of regionalization (3marks)
b) Discuss the human activities in equatorial regions and state how they have negatively impacted on these regions. (12marks)

Question 6
a) Define the following and give examples in each case.
i) Natural resources
ii) Human resources
iii) Capital resources (6marks)
b) Discuss the problems faced in resource utilization in African regions (9marks)

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