Introduction To Sociology(Sost 131) Iv Question Paper
Introduction To Sociology(Sost 131) Iv
Course:Business Administration
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2011
INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions
Question 1
a) What is sociology? Why study sociology and what do sociologists do? (5marks)
b) What are some common sense beliefs you hold about your social world? For instance, do you think that criminals are born bad or that rich people work harder to get what they have? How did you develop your beliefs (10marks)
c) Describe the meaning and characteristics of society (5marks)
d) Could you be “human” without culture? Why are society and culture important in understanding your own life? (10marks)
Question 2
a) Define socialization and give examples of family, community, national or global events, that might influence how you were socialized or how you would socialize your child. (7marks) b) Do you know individuals who have lost jobs because of economic slowdowns or gotten jobs because of economic booms and opening opportunities? What changes have occurred in their mobility and social class? (8marks)
c) How does being female or male affect your thoughts and behaviours? Illustrate your answer with relevant answers (5marks)
Question 3
a) Explain how family is the primary and fundamental unit of society (7marks)
b) Do you think that corporations and government agencies should offer diversity training? If so, how can we develop diversity training that fosters mutual respect? Can you suggest practical ways to develop work-places that are not divided by gender and race-ethnicity. (8marks)
c) How does social class affect people’s lifes?
Question 4
a) Write an essay on the contribution of Auguste Comte as founding father of sociology (6marks)
b) If you had a position of influence to improve public education, what policies would you recommend? What might be some unintended negative consequences of the policy you purpose. (8marks)
c) Religion is influenced not only by other institutions in society but also by the media. What messages can we learn from the media (movies, TV, music) that reflect the state of religion in society? (6marks)
Question 5
a) What are the causes of urban problems, and what can we do to solve those problems? (10marks) b) In what ways does technology change society? How has social change affected your life? Be specific, what changes, how? (10marks)
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