Introduction To Philosophy( Sost 034 )  Question Paper

Introduction To Philosophy( Sost 034 )  

Course:Education And Pre-University

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011

INSTRUCTIONS Provide Philosophical responses to ANY FOUR Questions.

Question 1
Define the following terms as used in philosophy.
i) a) Inductive and deductive arguments. (4marks)
b) Ethics and morals (4marks)
ii) State and briefly explain the main theories of truth. (7marks)

Question 2
Some philosophers define knowledge as “ an immaterial “representation” of things in a person or community.” Discuss how this definition could apply to six ways of knowing. (15marks)

Question 3
State and explain the THREE main theories of truth. (15marks)

Question 4
Compare the “authority” of knowledge derived from the experience of a rural village sage to that of a philosopher. (15marks)

Question 5
a) What is philosophy? (3marks)
b) Explain the value of philosophy in our everyday life. (12marks)

Question 6
Explain the meaning of concepts “subjectivity” and ‘objectivity’ and apply them to a critical study of some historical facts. (15marks)

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