Introduction To Sociology (Sost 131) Question Paper

Introduction To Sociology (Sost 131) 


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012


Question One
Define socialisation and analyze it in at least three contexts in Kenya today.
(7 marks)
Discuss the five key stages that sociological research should go through, stating the significance of each stage.
(5 marks)
Highlight the basic tenets of
Structural functionalism.
(3 marks)
Symbolic interaction.
(3 marks)
Argue for sociology as a scientific study.
(6 marks)
Write short notes on the following concepts.
Social stratification.
(2 marks)
Social equality
(2 marks)
Social structure.
(2 marks)

Question Two
Define social mobility. Explain how modernization influences social mobility.
(10 marks)
"The history of all existing society is a history of class struggle." Discuss validity of this statement using an appropriate sociological perspective.
(10 marks)

Question Three
Explain five features of culture that make it the subject matter of sociology.
(10 marks)
Describe ways through which the contemporary world has promoted social deviance.
(10 marks)

Question Four
A teacher is a significant other in society. Discuss this statement clearly bringing out the meaning of and challenges faced by significant others in their role execution.
(10 marks)
Critically analyze the factors that necessitate the need for cultural change in Post Colonial Africa.
(10 marks)

Question Five
Illustrate the practical usefulness of studying sociology in different setups.
(10 marks)
What is cultural leveling? Discuss the importance of a common work culture in promoting occupational effectiveness.
(10 marks)

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