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Introduction To Psychology C(Sost 136)  Question Paper

Introduction To Psychology C(Sost 136)  


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012


Answer question one and any other two questions
Write all your answers in the answer booklet provided.
Question One
Freud’s psychoanalytic theory describes how personality is determined by early stages of development. State and explain these stages briefly.

(10 marks)
Define the term motivation.
(2 marks)
Using Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs model, discuss motivation.
(8 marks)

Question Two
State and briefly explain five of the branches or sub-fields of psychology.
(10 marks)
Explain in detail five types of learning.
(10 marks)

Question Three
Explain factors which affect perception.
(10 marks)
State effects of psychoactive drugs used and abused by human beings. Categorize the drugs and state effects of each of them.
(10 marks)

Question Four
Define the term learning.
(2 marks)
Compare and contrast classical conditioning and instrumental or operant conditioning in relation to human behaviour giving relevant examples.
(8 marks)
Describe five social factors that influence individuals’ personality.
(10 marks)

Question Five
Define the term stress.
(2 marks)
People deal with stress in various ways. What are the positive ways of dealing with stress?
(8 marks)
Explain the defense mechanisms the human body uses to reduce anxiety. Which arise from activities in daily life?
(10 marks)

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